Become a Member
Social Reinvestment WA is a proud member-based movement, with an Aboriginal majority Board. We are a leading voice for justice system reform with a shared commitment to ending the over incarceration and criminalisation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Western Australia.
By becoming a member, you are standing united, with a strong independent voice for a more just system. And together we are powerful.
We would love to hear from you! Contact our membership officer, K-A at for more information
Join our Community Advocate Network
Community advocates are people who want to help us push our advocacy, policy, and community work forward, and are willing to pitch in from time to time to help us get there! Community advocates are invited to volunteer, attend our events, take direct actions, and use their skills to support our work.
We keep our Community Advocates Network in the loop through our quarterly newsletter, urgent actions, and our exclusive Close Friends Instagram Story for regular update and chats.
Join SRWA and work together to make a difference in youth justice reform!
Benefits of a SRWA Membership
Be a part of standing united with a strong independent voice to build a movement that significantly improves the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities by addressing youth justice reform. Together we are powerful!
Become part of an experienced collective effort, working alongside committed organisations and individuals to end the over criminalisation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people here in WA.
Representation and advocacy to ensure our voices are recognised by the government, media and the broader community.
Access to actively contribute to meaningful justice reform by connecting with expert and experienced network
Receive regular updates on latest information, policy, practice and campaigns
Opportunities to participate in our events, workshops, webinars, training, AGM, Justice Reinvestment Summit, special member events, advocacy actions, and more!
We welcome you to join our community of experienced, motivated and passionate organisations and individuals, and invite you to become a member of SRWA. Matters related to SRWA Executive Committee, and our members are governed by the SRWA Constitution, which you can read it here.
Membership Categories and Fees
Coalition Membership
Open to any not-for-profit body corporate who supports the purposes and vision of SRWA
Your application is supported by other members and approved by the Board
Your organisation is able to pay the appropriate membership fees
Your organisation must have a majority of the Board over 18 years old
Individuals are not eligible to apply to become Coalition Members
Associate Membership
Associate membership is open to any person, unincorporated organisation or body corporate who supports the object and purposes of SRWA
Your application is supported by other members and approved by the Board
You are able to pay the associate membership fee
If you are an organisation, you must have a majority of the Board over 18 years old
Understands that an Associate Member does not have voting rights at a SRWA general meeting
Ready to join our movement to end the systemic over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in WA’s justice system, support healthy families, safe communities and smart justice through SRWA’s long term advocacy and systemic change work?
All new members must be approved by the SRWA Board. Send an Expression of Interest
If you have any questions, please contact SRWA Memberships on 08 63815300 or
By working in coalition we build power, can speak independently, bring together widespread expertise, and critically tackle the systemic issues so many of us see but don’t have the resources to overcome alone.